1. You need to perform at each Open Mic, starting 9/25-10/23. (3 events)
2. Must have clean music available & ready to perform Oct. 27th @ 5:30pm.
3. Must be Following @WolfWednesday_ & @Igm_sempiro_basketball on IG.
4. Pay a $50 Entry Fee - covers entry, custom stage background & jump the line
6 artists will be selected to participate in the tournament
10/11-10/12 Online vote for the best performance - 4 artists advance
6 Artists will perform and voting will be held online for the best performance
- one artist will be picked to be safe from voting by judges a...
10/11-10/12 Online vote for the best performance - 4 artists advance
Online Voting 10/24-10/25
Final Winner Picked by Judges
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